Technological fields:
The AvantCRAFT project, funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region’s PR-FESR 2021-2027, aims at initiating a synergistic and strategic partnership to build a digital archive of craft knowledge through the use and experimentation of digitization and advanced simulation tools.
To address the emerging needs for the preservation and enhancement of historical, artistic and industrial heritage, AvantCRAFT intends to make this heritage accessible to new generations through the digitization of craftsmanship techniques and immersive user involvement.
The partnership consists of a public-private partnership and 3 artisan enterprises, two of which pertain to the fashion and leather goods sector and a third specializing in manual sheet metal modeling (“battilastra”).
The AvantCRAFT project aims to provide a user-centered model that leverages digitization processes to facilitate and enrich the learning, preservation, and promotion of workmanship with inclusive, adaptable, intuitive, and accessible technological solutions.
O1. The involvement of experienced artisans, apprentices, stakeholders and technology providers, with the aim of establishing a dialogue to co-define the most appropriate means and methods to preserve the heritage of traditional production techniques.
O2. The combination of traditional craft techniques with new emerging technologies to promote the cultural heritage of traditional crafts.
O3. The development of a methodology that can meet the major needs for the preservation, dissemination and teaching of traditional craft techniques.
– DHMoRe – Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sulle Digital Humanities dell’Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
– INTERMECH Mo.Re. – Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Applicata e i Servizi nel Settore della Meccanica Avanzata e della Motoristica dell’Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
– RE:LAB srl
– CNA Emilia-Romagna – CNA INNOVAZIONE Area trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione
– Brandoli Egidio
– Bianco Accessori
– CLÒ by Claudia B.
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