Technological fields:
The ambition of PRYSTINE is to strengthen and to extend traditional core competencies of the European industry, research and universities in smart mobility and in particular the electronic component and systems and cyber-physical systems domains.
PRYSTINE’s target is to realize Fail-operational Urban Surround perceptION (FUSION) which is based on robust Radar and LiDAR sensor fusion and control functions in order to enable safe automated driving in urban and rural environments.
PRYSTINE receives funding from the European H2020 research and innovation programme, ECSEL Joint Undertaking (grant agreement no 783190), from the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology under the funding programme “IKT der Zukunft” (Austrian national funding for ECSEL, grant agreement no 865307) and from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF funding, grant agreement no 16ESE0329).
Enhanced reliability and performance, reduced cost and power of FUSION components
Dependable embedded control by co-integration of signal processing and AI approaches for FUSION
Optimized E/E architecture enabling FUSION-based automated vehicles
Fail-operational systems for urban and rural environments based on FUSION
PRYSTINE delivers fail-operational sensor-fusion framework on component level, dependable embedded E/E architectures, and safety compliant integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches for object recognition, scene understanding, and decision making within automotive applications.
The resulting reference FUSION hardware/software architectures and reliable components for autonomous systems are validated in in 22 industrial demonstrators, such as:
Fail-operational autonomous driving platform: An electrical and highly automated commercial truck equipped with new FUSION components (such as LiDAR, Radar, camera systems, safety controllers) for advanced perception.
An electrical and highly automated commercial truck equipped with new FUSION components (such as LiDAR, Radar, camera systems, safety controllers) for advanced perception
Highly connected passenger car anticipating traffic situations
Sensor fusion in human-machine interfaces for fail-operational control transition in highly automated vehicles
PRYSTINE’s well-balanced, value chain-oriented consortium, is composed of 60 project partners from 14 different European and non-European countries, including leading automotive OEMs, semiconductor companies, technology partners, and research institutes.
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