• Year: 2020


SAFE STRIP (SAFE and green Sensor Technologies for self-explaining and forgiving Road Interactive Applications) aims to introduce a disruptive technology that will embed C-ITS applications into existing road infrastructure, including I2V and V2I communications as well as VMS/VSL functions into low-cost, integrated strip markers on the road. These strips will support intelligent transport systems (ITS) services and apps as they provide personalised in-vehicle messages for all road users (trucks, cars and vulnerable road users, such as PTWs riders) and all vehicle generations (non-equipped, C-ITS equipped, autonomous), at a reduced maintenance cost, fully recyclability and containing added-value services, as well as supporting real-time predictive road maintenance functions.


Objectives of the Project

– To develop a novel micro/nano sensorial system – called SAFE STRIP – integrated in road pavement tapes/ markers; that will provide advanced safety functions to all road users at a fraction of the cost of current I2V/V2I nodes and roadside equipment (VMS, VDS, etc.).

-To support predictive infrastructure maintenance, through dynamic road embedded sensors input.

-To make road infrastructure (mainly for highways and interurban roads but also for city rings and selected rural roads) self-explanatory (through personalised info in own language and preferred format provided by the system to each driver/rider) and forgiving (through key I2V/V2I info provided to the cooperative system of the vehicle; such as dynamic speed limit and friction coefficient factor); for all vehicle types.

-To extend this notion to parking depots – key intermodal nodes, such as railway crossings, harbour loading/uploading areas and logistic depots and –above all – work zone areas.

-To reduce the infrastructure operational (including VMS/VSL info and toll collection functions), installation and maintenance costs by orders of magnitude, make it nearly energy autonomous and its modules fully recyclable.

-To provide key info to C-ITS equipped and autonomous vehicles about road – weather and traffic conditions ahead, to support dynamic trajectory estimation and optimisation.

-To support a wide range of added value services (through “pushed” info to the driver/rider) and facilitate the SAFE STRIP rapid market deployment and sustainability through efficient business models.

-To evaluate the system in a controlled environment (test bed in Spain, in France and 2 closed test tracks in Italy) and real life conditions in 2 sites (highways in Greece and Italy) with 4 car and 3 PTW demonstrators, validate its performance, evaluate user interface and acceptance aspects and, finally, assess its impacts to safety, mobility, the environment and European industrial competitiveness.

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Evoca – Maestro Touch

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